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Upcoming Pageants

2014 Miss Milan Harvest Festival Pageant

October 18, 2014 - 5:00 p.m.

Milan Gym

322 Lee Street Milan, GA 31060




Glitz and semi-glitz dresses are acceptable; however, NO HAIRPIECES, NO GLITZ WALK, and ONLY age-appropriate makeup!


Age Divisions: Baby Miss 0 to 12 mths; Teeny Miss 13-23 mths; Wee Miss 2-3 years; Little Miss 4-6 years; Young Miss 7-9 years; Junior Miss 10-12 years; Teen Miss 13-16 years; Miss 17-24 years


Entry Fee:

Entry Fee: $50.00 for Beauty Only. Optional Categories are Prettiest Dress, Prettiest Smile, and Prettiest Hair. The optionals are $10.00 each.


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Enter by September 30, 2014 and enter Beauty and all optionals for $65.00!


AFTER September 30th, 2014: Everything for $80.00.


FINAL DEADLINE IS October 15th, 2014 at 6:00 PM!


Optionals: Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Dress and Prettiest Smile. 


Eligibility: Open to all states for girls ages 0-24 years of age. Contestants cannot ever have been married, pregnant, nor have had children. All contestants cannot be convicted of a crime, nor have ever been convicted.


Obligation: The queens will be asked to stay for the rest of the Milan Harvest Festival which is taking place the day of the pageant. They will be introduced at the street dance that evening on stage. Queens are free to participate in any and all other pageant systems. Queens will be asked to stay until the end of pageant for group and individual pictures for the website and will be asked to come back the following year to help crown.


Please make all checks out to Miss Milan Harvest Festival Pageant.



 Mail applications to:                       Contact:

Pageants Unlimited Georgia           Mandy or Karlee Jones

c/o MandyJones                         

1848 El Bethel Church Rd.       Phone: 229-315-9848 or 229-315-9451

Milan, Ga. 31060                        

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